Thursday 2 December 2010

IF - savour

I wanted to capture the idea of savouring all that is good in life,

to indulge the senses and the spirit.

We should take heed of the poem by William Henry Davies that begins

What is this life if full of care

We have no time to stand and stare?


  1. Wonderful take on the topic, and a great illo to picture it.

  2. That's so cute. I really like the soft touch you have with your watercolor.

  3. Such an adorable scene! Yes we should savour all these things even the simplest, littlest ones/moments :)

  4. Thank you for all your positive comments. I enjoy creating illustrations and it's really good to know that others enjoy them. Especially if you're someone like me with no confidence, and illustration is a new venture.

  5. Very sweet illustration! Confidence comes, just keep painting. Thanks for your comment on my blog :)
